Monday, November 24, 2014

Start of the 21 Day Fix

I am really excited to start the 21 Day Fix with trainer, Autumn Calabrese! This program is fool proof for those of you, like me, who struggle with portion control and measuring and weighing out food. How is it fool proof? Well, here is the best part....

The program comes with color coded containers which are specified for certain food categories. Depending on your calorie range, you will be assigned a number of each container. Based on my caloric needs, I will be consuming between 1200-1499 calories. Throughout the 21 days, I will portion out 3 green containers, 2 purple, 4 red, 2 yellow, 1 blue, 1 orange, and 2 tsp of fats per day.
It looks something like this:

So what can you eat? Well, you can eat basically anything you can fit into your containers as long as they fit the color food categories. The healthier more nutritious whole foods are mainly your go to. However, it is okay to save some room for a splurge of wine or some chocolate! I completed my week 1 meal plan. It is just a start but it will work. I will be tweaking the upcoming weeks as I get into the program. Here is my week 1 meal plan:

I can't wait to start posting my progress through my first round of 21 days. I am starting on December 1st and will finish right before Christmas. I want to feel great in my holiday party clothes and feel great overall. If this program sounds like it would be a great fit for you, please feel free to find me on Facebook and we can get you started! Stay tuned.....

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Into Fitness Challenge Group

I am very excited for my upcoming challenge group, FALL INTO FITNESS! In my groups, you have the option to choose a workout program of choice and your preferred flavor of Shakeology. Then, you must commit to it EVERY SINGLE DAY…

The group will run for 30 days. I as your coach, will post everyday and will also check in with each of you individually on Thursdays for extra support! The purpose of my challenge groups is that you are NOT alone. Who wants to go through a workout journey by themselves? There will be other women in the group who have the same wants, goals, and expectations as you! My job as your coach is to help you SUCCEED! I will be your number one cheerleader and support, motivate, and help you anyway that I can.

You may only want to lose 10 lbs, or you may want to lose 30 lbs... Either way, this group will help you stay focused. I will also go over meal planning and offer tips and recipes along the way.

To be considered for my Fall Into Fitness group, send an e-mail to or contact me through Facebook!

I look forward to seeing you there and can't wait to see your after shot!